Tonic clonic seizures are a type of convulsion that is characterized by jerking movements and stiffening of the arms and legs. In addition, the person may be sleepy for a few minutes or feel confused. seizure monitor for bed These attacks are commonly seen in children. Although tonic-clonic seizures have no cause, they can be treated. The best way to prevent a seizure is to take precautions.During a seizure, the person's eyes may go blurry and they might lose control of their bladder. They might also bite the tongue or the inside of their cheek.Seizure victims often emit a short, loud cry. This is due to air being forced past their vocal cords. If you see someone with a seizure, call emergency services.A seizure typically lasts for between five and ten minutes. However, it may last longer. For instance, some people may not regain consciousness after two hours.Once the person begins regained consciousness, he or she may experience confusion or headaches. Depending on the underlying condition, it may be necessary to treat the condition to stop the seizures.After a tonic clonic seizure, it's important to keep the person safe. Try to remove any objects or clothing that might get in the way of breathing. Also, turn the person on his or her side to minimize the risk of aspiration.If the person continues to have seizures, it's advisable to bring the person to a doctor's office. Your doctor will be able to help you find the right medicine for your needs.