Please use the below phrases to explain to the in house counsel of the company you represent the key facts 1. "In this breach of contract case, the key issue revolves around..." 2. "The central argument presented by the plaintiff is that..." 3. "The defendant's position, on the other hand, is based on the claim that..." 4. "One of the critical elements that must be established is..." 5. "The applicable contract provisions rest in ..." 6. "The plaintiff alleges that the defendant failed to fulfill their obligations by..." 7. "Conversely, the defendant argues that they were not in breach as / cannot be made liable for the breach/..." 8. "A crucial question for the court to determine is whether..." 9. "The plaintiff seeks specific remedies, including..." 10. "The defendant asserts certain defences, such as..." 11. "The evidentiary support for the plaintiff's claims includes..." 12. "On the other hand, the defendant presents evidence to show..." 13. "The court will also consider any potential mitigating factors, such as..." 14. "One potential outcome of this case could be..." 15. "Overall, the resolution of this breach of contract case will depend on the court's interpretation of..." 16. "Both parties will need to present strong legal arguments and supporting evidence to support their respective positions." 17. "The court's decision will have implications for..." 18. "It remains to be seen how the court will weigh the competing interests of the parties and reach a judgment." 19. "The legal precedent in similar cases suggests that..." 20. "Ultimately, the outcome of this breach of contract case will have broader implications for contract law and its application in future disputes namely in the area of... Use the following expressions 1. Software implementation contract 2. Dispute 3. Liquidated damages clause 4. Breach of contract 5. Software defects 6. Contractual functionality requirements 7. Total liability limit 8. Contract price 9. Specific remedies 10. Best endeavors 11. Fee refund 12. Fraud 13. Negligence 14. Gross negligence 15. Wilful misconduct 16. Carve-out 17. Independent or freestanding tort 18. Damages for breach 19. Global cap 20. Remedies 21. Financial responsibility 22. Causation 23. Wasted costs (unrecoverable expenses" or "irretrievable expenditures.") 24. Termination loss 25. Reasonable care and skill 26. Defect-free deliverables 27. Level of functionality