Healthcare is a field where information has to be maintained properly. This field needs to create a user-friendly system, which guidesusers at all steps they need to perform in it. The information provided by theusers must be kept secured, as the healthcare information is very muchconfidential. The prescriptions for a certain patient are forwardedelectronically to the pharmacy. This avoids the unnecessary time taken bythe patient to carry the prescription to the pharmacy. 34 Thus our healthcare is much secured providing authenticationto the user. Our project guides the user to the action they need to perform.Our project is user-friendlier than all other e-healthcare systems with voicemessages and blue tooth enhancement.Our e-healthcare system currently focuses on the relationships between patients, physicians and pharmacists. We plan to extend the systemto other healthcare facilities and professionals, such as laboratorytechnicians who perform and report tests and analyses requested by physicians. We also plan to investigate whether our Clinic and Pharmacymodules can be interfaced to applications supplied by pharmaceuticalcompanies that provide information on medications and dosages and warn of interactions between medications. In addition, we plan to investigate drugdelivery devices, such as e-pillboxes, that prompt and monitor the regular and timely consumption of medications.