One of the issues with flying in Minecraft is the inability to see the ground due short render distances. MFS provides a variety of flight instruments to help solve this issue. Instruments can be added to the plane GUI, and will appear in the HUD and on the plane, based on their placement in the GUI. You can change the four modes of the HUD by pressing the mod key together with the cam lock key. 1. Normal: Shows the top rows of gauges, parking brake and throttle. 2. Full: Displays the usual HUD and lower gauge rows. 3. Light: Displays only the top three gauges. No background. Also displays in third-person. 4. None: There isn't an HUD. Different gauges and instruments for flight are available on planes, each with their own uses. Attitude Indicator One of the most versatile instruments, the attitude indicator shows the the state of the aircraft in relation to the ground. The indicator rotates to indicate the current roll, while the inner circle moves up and down to indicate the pitch of the plane. Do note that the direction in which the plane is pointing is not the same as the direction the plane is heading. A plane that is pointed up could be in a stall, or can be thrown down like a rock. Altimeter This gauge shows how high the plane is. The long pointer counts 10 blocks, while the short pointer counts 100. The altimeter will read 0 at Y=0 by default. However, you can alter the behavior to read at sea level (Y=64) instead. Heading Indicator A simple gauge that informs you where you are heading. While it is similar to the real-world counterpart it is modified to work with Minecraft's bizarre south-is-positive coordinate system. You could always utilize the debug screen, but what's the point in that? Airspeed Indicator This gauge measures the speed of the plane in blocks per second. In general it is recommended that a plane flying in the green zone, but this is subject to the flap settings and weight. The yellow zone is safe but sudden movements and deployment of flaps are not recommended. The red zone should be avoided as exceeding the speed of this zone could result in things breaking. After passing 50 blocks per second, Minecraft is unable to properly process the plane's forces and can result in undefined behavior. Be aware that the flyable speed alters when the speed factor is modified in the config. Turn Coordinator This gauge displays the speed at which the plane is turning as well as the speed at which the turn is increasing. This means that it will be moving when the plane starts rolling and will stop when the aileron is no longer being used. This allows the pilot to alter the plane's speed to make smooth turns. The bottom part of the gauge shows the amount of slip during the turn, or how straight the plane is in comparison to the direction it's traveling. A well-coordinated turn will result in the greatest lift potential and the best control. Turn and Slip Indicator This indicator is the precursor to the turn coordinator. This indicator does not consider the aircraft's roll. The indicator is preferred by older and more experienced pilots, it can be used to perform the Stark 1-2-3 maneuver in the event that the artificial horizon is not visible due to clouds or the failure of the attitude indicator. Vertical Speed Indicator This indicator tells you the number of blocks per second the plane travels in the Y direction. The gradual climb is about 0.75 however with flaps or a lighter payload this could be higher than 1. Lift Reserve Indicator The lift reserve indicator is a brand new feature in the field of aeronautics. It displays how much of the aircraft's lift potential is being utilized. The yellow-green border indicates that the plane has an angle of attack of zero (i.e. there is there is no lift). there is no lift. The needle moves towards the red region as the plane is being pitched up. The plane is at its critical angle of attack, and is generating maximum lift near the border between red and yellow. If you cross the red line, it will cause the plane to slow down, resulting in an immediate loss of lift. Ideal for runways with small runways that require quick ascent. Tachometer This gauge shows the current RPM of all engines. This gauge also displays the maximum safe speed , which is indicated by the redline marker. This helps ensure that you don't over-revve your engines. Fuel Gauge Shows fuel level. 'Nuff said. Fuel Flow Gauge This gauge indicates the amount of fuel consumed by the aircraft. It's more of a nice to know than an essential component. Fuel consumption is expressed in buckets per minute, with each bucket representing the default value of lava fuel of 1000. Engine Temperature Gauge This gauge displays the temperature of each engine. To ensure the longest life of your engine the needle should always be in the green. An engine with a low temperature in the yellow area needs to be warmed up prior the flight to avoid damage to the engine, and an engine with temperatures that are above the red mark will be damaged due to overheating.