/* _______________________ #Data Types: ----------------------- 1. int - integer number 2. float - decimal point number 3. double - " 4. char - character 5. long long int - > integer number, size 10^9 - 10^12 __________________________________________________________________ ASCII - (0-255) American Standard Code for Information Interchange To check press: Alt + ------------------------------------------------------------------ ____________ ***Syntax- ------------ _____________________ #Variable Declaration --------------------- ; _______________ #Variable Size: --------------- --------------------------------------- Data type | Size | Max value | --------------------------------------- int | 4byte | | char | 1byte | | float | 4byte | 10^38 | double | 8byte | 10^308 | long long int | 8byte | | --------------------------------------- _______ Topics: ------- 1. Data type 2. Type casting 3. Format specifiers 4. Assignment operator (a)operators- i. + (plus) ii. - (minus) iii. * (multiplication) iv. / (division) v. % (modulus) vi. ++ (increment) vii. -- (decrement) 5. Header 6. Main function 7. return function 8. Rules of variable declaration --1. any name except c key words. --2. a to z, A-Z, aa, Az, a1, a2, a_, character_ 9. User input --Blank space don't count when inputting values 10. Pointers(Why & is used?) */ #include///header int main()///body { int a, b; scanf("%d %d", &a, &b); int c = a % b; printf("%d", c); return 0; }