Update as of June 1st, 2023, use this browser to hit as the device/browser fingerprint is spoofed/different resulting in higher success rate https://anty.dolphin.ru.com/en/ 1st method/tips on how to hit sites (not guaranteed to work as some people have better luck/ip's when hitting than others): make sure u don't sign in directly to pp, go to whatever site (not a raped site pls, low amount like $20 for example start with to test, then clean US IP, I've heard US LTE works best, if ur not in the US, you can still try your country's LTE and hope for the best, if it fails with it many times you can try buying mountproxies.com or some other LTE/resedential proxies that are very good) then click checkout with paypal then login and sometimes itll let u, sometimes it'll error out (unlucky or bad ip/bad site/too high amount) or it'll need otp which is normal 2nd method is below: 1. Download DUCKDUCKGO Browser. 2. turn airplane mode on then off then -> Use LTE/4g **only** and then clear ur history/cookies 3. Go to scamalytics.com (Check your IP Score) - Check your IP for its fraud score - If your fraud score is above 20, Turn on airplane mode for 5 seconds then turn it off 4. Go to bakerskateboards.com 5. press any random item on the store - This is apart of the method, you wont be purchasing anything from this store 6. Scroll down to Buy Now. 7. Select Checkout with paypal. - Some items on the site dont allow paypal - If this is the case for you, find another item that does accept paypal then continue with the steps 8. Type the email MANUALLY - Copy and pasting will raise some flags and lock your log 9. Type the password MANUALLY but add an extra "!" at the end of it, It will say its invalid 10. Retype the correct password after it says invalid 11. It should put you on the checkout screen asking what payment you want to use - Disregard That screen 12. Go to a new tab and go to the site you want to checkout, And checkout with paypal. 13. Profit 3rd method to send money: To send money with pp just login normally on paypal and do the otp (if the owner falls for it and gives u the otp code) then theres a high chance it'll work, type out ur paypal email, then put $40 then put in the notes "for dinner last night" then click a gift icon and any wrapper then send the money, important to note when you send the money to ur drop or whoever's paypal, get the money out right away before a chargeback is made from the owner's log. Also if the $40 works then you can do it again (usually works once or twice on each log). Do increments of $40 so the money doesn't go on hold. Remember its not guranteed to work because some people have better luck/ip's than others but I know method 2 works for a lot of ppl and remember to clear history/cookies on each login and airplane mode on and off and only use US LTE and try to find an unraped/underground/not known website that accepts paypal and try if you keep getting otp security check then u should consider getting an otp bot like the month key for only $135 from my store (usually costs $150) Also I'm only a log seller (I only crack the accounts and sell them) so I don't know anything more than the methods/