// ==UserScript== // @name cryptol.online // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2.0 // @description try to take over the world! // @author MrBug // @match https://cryptol.online/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=cryptol.online // @updateURL * // @downloadURL * // @grant window.close // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== // // REQUIREMENTS: // You will need a faucetpay wallet // Don't have a faucetpay account? // Create one here: https://faucetpay.io/?r=5093460 // // READ CAREFULLY: // I don't give you any permission to copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, // sublicense, and/or sell copies of this script. // // DESCRIPTION: // // Edit line 46 with your faucetpay mail address // Edit line 47 with the time interval you want to claim in seconds // If you want to claim in a legit way, then set the parameter in line 31 to 100 in order to claim in a legit way // If both faucets are empty, then the script will stay in one of them for 1 hour // // Then go to https://cryptol.online/?r=282 // // SUPPORT THE AUTHOR: // If you want to support my work, // visit this shortener every 24 hours: // https://cuty.io/SupportMrBug // // THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! (function() { 'use strict'; var mail = 'FAUCETPAY_MAIL_ADDRESS' // Type here you faucetpay mail address var claimtime = 5 // Type here the time interval you want to claim in seconds, set it to 100 to claim in a legit way var daily_claims_available = 1000 // Change it if daily claims available is not 10000 let url1 = GM_getValue('url1') let url2 = GM_getValue('url2') let url1empty = GM_getValue('url1empty') let url2empty = GM_getValue('url2empty') let url1empty_time = GM_getValue('url1empty_time') let url2empty_time = GM_getValue('url2empty_time') let ahora = GM_getValue('ahora') setTimeout(function() { let ahora = new Date GM_setValue('ahora', ahora.getTime()) }, 500) setTimeout(function() { let urls = document.querySelectorAll("a.collapse-item") GM_setValue ('url1', urls[urls.length-urls.length].href) GM_setValue ('url2', urls[urls.length-urls.length+1].href) }, 500) setTimeout(function() { if (ahora - url1empty_time > 60*60*1000) { GM_setValue('url1empty', '') } if (ahora - url2empty_time > 60*60*1000) { GM_setValue('url2empty', '') } }, 2000) setTimeout(function() { if (document.querySelector("a.dropdown-item[data-target='#logoutModal']") && window.location.href == 'https://cryptol.online/?r=282') { window.location.replace(url1) } }, 6000) setTimeout(function login() { let mailform = document.querySelector("input#InputEmail") let boton = document.querySelector("button[type='submit']") if (mailform && mailform.value !== mail) { mailform.value = mail setTimeout(function() { if (window.location.href == 'https://cryptol.online/?r=282' && boton && mailform.value == mail) { boton.click() }}, 2000) } }, 7000) setTimeout(function() { if (window.location.href == 'https://cryptol.online/' || window.location.href == 'https://cryptol.online' && location.search !== '?r=282') { location.search = '?r=282' } }, 1000) setTimeout(function() { let cartel = document.querySelector("div.alert.alert-danger") let statusbalance = document.querySelector("span.badge") let claimsleft = document.querySelector("div.text-warning p.lh-1.mb-1") if (statusbalance && statusbalance.innerText == 'Ready') { document.querySelector("form#verify").submit() } if ((statusbalance&& statusbalance.innerText == 'Empty') || (!claimsleft || claimsleft.innerText == '0/'+daily_claims_available.toString()) || cartel && cartel.innerText.includes("limit")) { if (window.location.href.includes(url1)) { GM_setValue('url1empty', 'hola') GM_setValue('url1empty_time', ahora) if (url2empty!== 'hola') { window.location.replace(url2) } } if (window.location.href.includes(url2)) { GM_setValue('url2empty', 'hola') GM_setValue('url2empty_time', ahora) if (url1empty!== 'hola') { window.location.replace(url1) } } }}, claimtime*1000) setTimeout(function() { window.location.reload() }, 4*60000) setTimeout(function ok() { let ok = document.querySelector("button[type='button'][class='swal2-confirm swal2-styled']"); if (ok) { ok.click() } },claimtime*1000) // Your code here... })();