// ==UserScript== // @name bnbtree.app // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 1.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author MrBug // @match https://bnbtree.app/* // @match https://*/recaptcha/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=bnbtree.app // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // // READ CAREFULLY: // I don't give you any permission to copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, // sublicense, and/or sell copies of this script. // // REQUIREMENTS: // You will need a browser extension like hektcaptcha or nopecha to solve recaptcha challenges // // DESCRIPTION: // Disable "auto-open" in your recaptcha solver extension, this script will open recaptcha when it's not hidden (only open it, not solve) // The script will autologin and autoclaim when the mining balance is over 90% of capacity // Edit line 33 with your BSC (BNB Smart Chain) network address // Then go to https://bnbtree.app/?u=0x6096 // // SUPPORT LINK: // If you want to support my work, visit this shortener every 24 hours: https://cuty.io/SupportMrBug // THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! (function() { 'use strict'; var addressBNB = "endereço de BNB" // Type here your BSC network address if (location.hostname == 'bnbtree.app') { let botonlogin = document.querySelector("button#buttonLogin") let checkbalance = setInterval(function () { let balance = document.querySelector("span#mining_balance") let capacity = +document.querySelector("span#capacity").innerText let boton = document.querySelector("div#collectModalTrigger button") if (!botonlogin) { if (balance && balance.innerText > capacity*0.9 && boton) { setTimeout(function() {window.location.reload() }, 3.5*60000) boton.click() clearInterval(checkbalance) } } }, 10000) setTimeout(function() { let addressform = document.querySelector("input#address") if (location.search==spon){ if (botonlogin && addressform && addressform.value !== addressBNB) { addressform.value = addressBNB let claim = setInterval(function() { if (botonlogin && addressform && addressform.value == addressBNB) { setTimeout(function() {botonlogin.click()}, 2000) clearInterval(claim) } }, 2000) } } }, 8000) let spon='?u=0x6096' setTimeout(function() { if (botonlogin && location.search!==spon) { location.search=spon } }, 3000) setInterval(function() { let capacity = +document.querySelector("span#capacity").innerText let balance = document.querySelector("span#mining_balance") if (!botonlogin) { if (balance && balance.innerText < capacity*0.8) { window.location.reload() } } }, 4*60000) } function qSelector(selector) { return document.querySelector(selector); } function isHidden(el) { return (el.offsetParent === null) } (function openrecpatcha() { 'use strict'; var domain = (window.location != window.parent.location) ? document.referrer.toString() : document.location.toString(); // excluding domains if( domain.indexOf('example.com') == -1 && domain.indexOf('PartOfUrlName') == -1 && domain.indexOf('paypal.com') == -1 ) { const RC_PAUSE = "5000"; // ms to open ( 3000ms = 5sec ) const CHECK_BOX = ".recaptcha-checkbox-border"; const RECAPTCHA_STATUS = "#recaptcha-accessible-status"; const DOSCAPTCHA = ".rc-doscaptcha-body"; var rc_checkboxInterval = setInterval(function open() { var solved = false; var checkBoxClicked = false; var requestCount = 0; var recaptchaInitialStatus = qSelector(RECAPTCHA_STATUS) ? qSelector(RECAPTCHA_STATUS).innerText : "" function isHidden(el) { return(el.offsetParent === null) } try { if(!checkBoxClicked && qSelector(CHECK_BOX) && !isHidden(qSelector(CHECK_BOX))) { qSelector(CHECK_BOX).click(); checkBoxClicked = true; console.log("RC OPEN BOX"); } //Check if the captcha is solved if(qSelector(RECAPTCHA_STATUS) && (qSelector(RECAPTCHA_STATUS).innerText != recaptchaInitialStatus)) { solved = true; console.log("RC SOLVED"); } if(requestCount > 1) { console.log("Attempted Max Retries. Stopping the solver"); solved = true; } //Stop solving when Automated queries message is shown if(qSelector(DOSCAPTCHA) && qSelector(DOSCAPTCHA).innerText.length > 0) { console.log("Automated Queries Detected"); } } catch(err) { console.log(err.message); console.log("An error occurred while solving. Stopping the solver."); } //clearInterval(open) }, RC_PAUSE ); } else { console.log( domain +" EXCLUDED!" ); } })() })();